"It is your mind that creates this world"


Michael Gastauer is a German Entrepreneur

Venture Capitalist and Philanthropist specializing in financial technology. Michael Gastauer is the Founder and Chairman of Gastauer Family Office, a single family office managing over US$11 billion AUM.

Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist and Philanthropist

He is an advocate of the FinTech revolution and is globally ranked among the 100 most Influential People in FinTech. With a net worth of more than US$ 11bn AUM is his Family Office one of the largest Single Family Offices in Europe.

Gastauer is the Founder & CEO of Black Banx Group, a Financial Institution headquartered in London, UK with offices in Europe, Asia, North and Latin America.

Black Banx Group is ranked amongst the fastest growing companies, reaching a US$ 9.8bn valuation by the end of 2018. Originally from Germany, Gastauer founded his first company, by the age of 24. In less than three years the business acquired over US$ 1bn AUM, and was sold for US$ 16m to a Swiss Investment firm. As one of the first in Europe, Michael Gastauer created an online payment system to offer global card acceptance and payment processing solutions for the eCommerce industry. Gastauer led the business to consistent growth and profitability, reaching a US$ 480m valuation, before it was sold in 2008.

After selling his second business, Michael Gastauer founded Gastauer Family Office (GFO), a single family office with US$ 11bn assets under management. The Gastauer Family Office has a venture capital arm investing in FinTech companies. Michael Gastauer is the Founder and Chairman of Gastauer Foundation, a non profit organization providing financial inclusion to reduce the problem of 2.2 billion people having no access to financial services.

Wealth & Finance


UNSTOPPABLE - How this FinTech Guru grew his Family Office to €10 Billion AUM in less than a decade

CEO Review


How this Mogul Sold his Business for $480 Million, and Built a $10 Billion Banking Empire Right After

Forbes Russia


WB21 – цифровой банк, где человек, деньги и криптовалюта создают историю банковского дела

Forbes Mexico


El banco digital WB21 ofrece en America Latina cuentas bancarias en 8 minutos a traves de internet

Forbes Mexico


La revolucion de las criptomonedas

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El exito de la banca digital

Forbes Russia


Криптобанкиры. Топ-менеджеры инвестбанков переходят в компании, занимающиеся блокчейном

Forbes India


WB21, the Uber of Banking has come to India

Forbes Brasil


A WB21 aceita clientes de 180 países e disponibiliza contas bancárias em mais de 28 moedas

Forbes Russia


Как Михаэль Гастауэр, финтех-инвестор и основатель электронного банка WB21, заработал 1.6 миллиарда долларов США менее чем за 12 месяцев